Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife

I thought that the story was intersting but a little unsure how it is going to relate to class. I could not figure out how it will relate to collaborative learning but

I thought it was very interesting when Doc becomes angry when one of the Native Americans telling him that he has just stole a nice lot of wood. Doc thinks what he is doing is fine until someone else comments on it and he becomes uppset. I think this shows that he knew it was wrong all along but was trying to rationalize it in his own head.

I was unsure what the importance of him going inside loading and unloading his gun and talking to his wife. Why does the story specifically mention the wife's religion (Christian Scientist)? Does that mean that she is against what Doc is doing?

1 comment:

  1. I see your confusion, Brendan. How does the story relate to collaboration? Basically, Bruffee argues that knowledge is a social artifact and results from the work of an interpretive community. Therefore, I'm trying to create an interpretive community (or class) and see if we can't create some knowledge about Hemingway's story.

    The point about the Christian Scientist is a good one. Check out this section of Wikipedia for some information:
